

Disclosure in International Arbitration: The Tension between Efficiency and Justice



Evidence disclosure has been one of the most important issues in international arbitration. It involves the daunting choice between an expansive, American style discovery or a less intrusive document disclosure approach in the arbitral proceeding. On the one hand, expansive document disclosure or disclosure of other evidence may help the tribunal's fact-finding function; on the other hand, opting for such an approach might also lead to excessive disclosure requests by the parties and causing serious procedural delay. CAA has the honor to invite Prof. Renato Nazzini of King's College London to give a lecture on this crucial issue. As a renowned scholar and practitioner in international arbitration, Prof. Nazzini will provide his insightful analysis of this interesting yet complex topic.   

證據、相關文件的揭示向為國際仲裁中的重要問題,對於仲裁庭發現真實的功能影響甚鉅。同時,因國際仲裁的高度彈性,其所使用的證據規則亦可隨個案情形調整。近年隨著國際仲裁程序中雙方攻防日漸激烈,仲裁中是否應採取英美法制的「證據開示」(discovery),或應選擇其他較為寬鬆的證據揭示制度,亦經常成為爭執重點。從仲裁程序發現真實的角度觀之,充分的證據揭示有助於個案實體真實的發現;然另一方面,過度的要求揭示證據與雙方律師浮濫的證據調查聲請,亦將造成程序的無謂延宕。在實體、程序正義與效率兩者之間該如何取得平衡,即需細緻的分析。本會此次特邀倫敦國王學院之Renato Nazzini教授針對此一題目發表演講。Nazzini教授除學術著作豐富,更有多年的國際仲裁經驗。對國際仲裁實務以及仲裁程序之證據揭示有興趣之先進,切不可錯過此一機會。


時間 /(Time):2019年4月24日下午3點 / April 24, 2019
講者 /(Speaker):倫敦國王學院 Renato Nazzini教授 / Prof. Nazzini of King's College London
語言: 本講座以英文進行,現場備有同步口譯
地點 /(Venue):中華仲裁協會會議室,台北市仁愛路4段376號14樓 / Conference Room of Chinese  Arbitration Association, Taipei. Floor 14, 376 Renai Road, Section 4, Taipei, Taiwan 106

費用 /(Fees):無報名費/ Free to attend
聯絡資訊/Contact Information: (02) 2707-8672 #53 /,羅先生/Mr. Lo


時間/Time 議程/Agenda Item
14:30-15:00 報到/Registration
15:00-15:10 李復甸理事長致詞/Chairman Li's Opening Remark
15:10-16:30 Prof. Nazzini's Lecture
Disclosure in International Arbitration: The Tension between Efficiency and Justice
16:30-17:00 討論時間/Q&A
17:00 會議結束/adjourn


 ▪ (演講摘譯)國際仲裁中的證據揭示:效率與正義間的分歧.pdf