Background / 緣起
The Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei (CAA) is the first non-profit organisation with quasi-judicial function in Taiwan established in 1955. To expand its services in cross-border dispute resolution, CAA has established its first foreign branch, CAA International Arbitration Centre (CAAI), registered in Hong Kong on 7 December 2018 as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee.
The organisational structure of CAAI consists of Council, Court of Arbitration, Secretariat, and International Advisory Board. CAAI Council is entrusted with strategic guidance and decision-making, whereas CAAI Court of Arbitration is the final decision-making body to safeguard the appropriate interpretation and application of CAAI Arbitration Rules. CAAI Secretariat is responsible for case management, day-to-day administration, as well as providing assistance required by CAAI Court of Arbitration. CAAI International Advisory Board consists of leading experts with profound international prestige, advising CAAI Council on institutional management and development strategies.
中華仲裁協會(Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei)成立於1955年,為台灣首家具有準司法功能之公益性社團法人,推廣仲裁不遺餘力。為拓展跨區域仲裁服務,特於香港設立第一個海外分支機構,2018年12月7日以中華仲裁國際中心(CAA International Arbitration Centre,簡稱CAAI)為名完成註冊。
The organisational structure of CAAI consists of Council, Court of Arbitration, Secretariat, and International Advisory Board. CAAI Council is entrusted with strategic guidance and decision-making, whereas CAAI Court of Arbitration is the final decision-making body to safeguard the appropriate interpretation and application of CAAI Arbitration Rules. CAAI Secretariat is responsible for case management, day-to-day administration, as well as providing assistance required by CAAI Court of Arbitration. CAAI International Advisory Board consists of leading experts with profound international prestige, advising CAAI Council on institutional management and development strategies.
中華仲裁協會(Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei)成立於1955年,為台灣首家具有準司法功能之公益性社團法人,推廣仲裁不遺餘力。為拓展跨區域仲裁服務,特於香港設立第一個海外分支機構,2018年12月7日以中華仲裁國際中心(CAA International Arbitration Centre,簡稱CAAI)為名完成註冊。